Ten Tips to Build Accountability
Accountability is the single biggest issue confronting organizations today, especially for those engaged in big change initiatives. When you build an organization that motivates people to be accountable, people will achieve game-changing results.
In organizations, accountability is often viewed as something negative that happens to you when things go wrong. This kind of accountability never works. Real accountability is achieved through a step-by-step process that makes things go right.
When people adopt a sense of accountability, they recognize that their participation can and will make a big difference. They go the extra mile because they know what to do, and they know how their job and their actions will drive results. This adds energy to their work, as most people crave meaning and fulfillment.
In order to see what needs to be done, you must take responsibility for reality. Because reality frequently changes, you need to stay alert and be flexible. Therefs no hiding behind what used to work. When you see something, you must rise to a new challenge. This means obtaining othersf perspectives and candidly asking for and offering feedback. You must be courageous and relentless in your pursuit of acknowledging reality.
Accept being personally invested in outcomes. Be willing to take risks and learn from successes and failures. Align your work with what the company needs. Connect where you are and what youfve done with where you want to be and what youfre going to do.
Obstacles can always get in the way of achieving results, so apply persistent effort. When thwarted, find another way. Keep asking, gWhat else can I do so this gets resolved?h You must learn to overcome cross-functional boundaries, limitations and gnoh responses.
Focus on top priorities, overcome obstacles, do what you promise to achieve, and avoid blaming others. Work to sustain an environment of trust for all participants, even those who are unwilling to help.
The following are ten tips to build accountability and full engagement.
Ten Tips to Build Accountability
1.) Regularly communicate to all employees that accountability and commitment are critical to fulfilling the company mission.

2.) Align every job description to your company's strategy and goals. Ask everyone to commit to a shared vision to achieve results.

3.) Make accountabilities for everyonefs job clear and how their individual contributions matter.

4.) When you onboard new employees, have job-related professional development planning already in place to help top talent reach their full potential.

5.) Build accountability into your company culture using "what and by when" goal and task planning.

6.) Offer ways for employees to communicate obstacles and request the help or resources they need to achieve their goals.

7.) Involve employees in an ongoing dialogue about how they can identify process improvements or otherwise increase the quality of their work and the team's productivity.

8.) Use small "course corrections" on a monthly or as-needed basis to guide employees toward behaviors and practices that are effective for meeting goals. Don't wait for the annual performance review.

9.) In the moment "catch" people doing something right: Give frequent, honest and positive feedback.

10.) Identify ways to recognize and acknowledge employees company-wide when their actions exemplify an "above and beyond" commitment to company objectives.
Are you working in a professional services firm or other organization where executive coaches provide leadership development to grow emotionally intelligent leaders? Does your organization provide executive coaching for leaders to help them increase accountability? Enlightened leaders tap into their emotional intelligence and social intelligence skills to fully engage employees and customers.
One of the most powerful questions you can ask yourself is gAre we creating an organization where everyone is accountable and gets results?h Emotionally intelligent and socially intelligent organizations provide executive coaching as part of their peak performance leadership development program.