1 to 10 of 31
  • by Patricia Clason - December 1, 2008
    The amount of information and technology available to the average worker today is more than a worker experienced in a lifetime in 1900, and that information and technology will double in less than two years! The speed of life has definitely increased as has the stress we are under every day. A steadily growing body of research in the field of “what makes one successful” says that EQ (Emotional Intelligence) is the key both...
  • by Patricia Clason - January 19, 2006
    Coaching is one of the fastest growing professions today, yet many do not know exactly what a coach is (outside of the sports venue) and how to utilize the services of a coach. On February 6, 2006, as part of the celebration of International Coaching Week, a coalition of Milwaukee area coaches will be offering a free evening event to learn more about coaching and meet business coaches http://www.regonline.com/83777 Alt...
  • by Patricia Clason - March 1, 2004
    Despite the recent examples of the leaders of Enron, Tyco, WorldCom, Parmalat (10 executives recently arrested) and others, it is possible to have ethical leadership. Leading by values is the key. Living those values in the workplace, walking the talk we espouse, is the only way we can expect ourselves and others to be accountable to the values we profess. Many organizations these days have mission and/or vision statem...
  • by Patricia Clason - January 1, 2004
    The Business Blues Barrier: Sometimes building my career seems far too difficult. The money isn’t there, the hours are long. I get discouraged and depressed. What can I do?First things first. Is this career something you enjoyed doing, once upon a time? Tragically, far too many people choose careers because of a promise of big bucks, almost instantly. If not the promise from someone else, their own dream that it is a ma...
  • by Patricia Clason - January 1, 2004
    I can’t seem to find the job I really want. None of the job listings appeal to me. Help!! A very important element in your job search is having a very clear picture of what you have to offer and the job you really want. Write the job description of your ideal job. Start with a basic description (visit www.jobdescription.com) and then perfect it with your dreams and visions of your ideal job. Beyond the duties and r...
  • by Patricia Clason - January 1, 2004
    I’d like to do something that I enjoy and get paid for it. Yet when I look for a job, I find myself thinking about my office skills or other business skills and there’s no enthusiasm or excitement about job hunting. What to do?There are many books these days, like Do What You Love and the Money Will Follow, that address your question. There are also a few simple processes that you can do to clarify what might be a good “j...
  • by Patricia Clason - January 1, 2004
    Research shows that it only takes three to five years for over 50 percent of working skills to become obsolete. Today’s futurists are now saying that the average high school graduate will have five completely different careers in their lifetime. Not five different jobs. Five completely different careers or professions. What does that mean to you?It means that you can not guarantee yourself a job or a secure future. Gon...
  • by Patricia Clason - January 1, 2004
    It was suggested to me that I do some volunteer work to help my career. How can that possibly help?Volunteering provides opportunities that benefit even the most altruistic volunteer. As the coordinator of the Woman to Woman Conference and a Board member of several non-profits, I have seen many times over that volunteers gain more than they expect when they choose to give of theirtime and talent.Skill BuildingIs there a s...
  • by Patricia Clason - January 1, 2004
    Is worry about a job change, promotion or challenging co-worker on yourmind, or are you frustrated with your employer, the job search or yourwork team? Here's a few suggestions may help you shift your emotions and get a new perspective.As children we learn that it is important to block the flow of our emotions(life energy in motion) in order to survive and avoid pain. We heard thingslike "Children should be seen and not he...
  • by Patricia Clason - January 1, 2004
    Question: How can I be a more effective networker? Howcan I get over my fear of networking?Fear comes from the thought that something bad will happen in the next moment. In the here and now, we are safe, nothing bad is happening. Take a look at the thoughts you have about networking. Write down all the negatives. Then find an opposite positive. Next step - take an action inthe positive direction. Then establish succ...